A good habit actually is a good practice. Good reading can not be done except someone do reading and also writing. In Professor Jawahir’s opinion, not all people who are able to be good in reading are also good in writing. In his experience, people who like to be success in his study depending on how this people concept with various issue in the life. For example when he had scholar in law, he must read many legal literatures and he would like to know more about other legal materials.
support the people to have good reading habit, the people must like spending
money to buy book. Buying a book actually is a one motivation for one person to
have a good reading habit because every book is not same and have different
lesson in different book. Buying book makes positive support for reading habit.
If student does not like to buy books, it means the student has bad reading
habit. To have good reading habit we must have strong comitment. Without buying
book, strong comitment, and upgrading the literature, those mean someone stop
to develop his understanding of knowledge.
Professor Jawahir was a lecture at UII in 1999, many student at UII did not like
to read book and many people more like
to find and read materials on internet. Indicator of Tragedi Nol Buku is the student does not like to reading and buying
the book. To solve it, we must attract the people to read books and also buy
as a central of academic atmosphere is one major indicator of academic
development. Library is the way to change reading habit. Faculty should give facility to student for preparing many
literatures and many books in the library. The library must give current
information to attract the students to came to the library. The last, student
must buy comprehensive text books.
By: Agung Dwi Pambudi, Lutfi Hibatul Haqi and Risky Edy Nawawi
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